Monday, October 3, 2011

Another day is gone..

whats up guys!! im back again after a period of time. as usual. xD

Well today's post is gona be a short one and crappy as usual too! =P

Did the usuals, BUT after sending some stuff to sg liang and on my way back to seria...the company car broke down. it was just like "bang" just sounds like the rear sub had just know detached from the car. and the brake just didnt work == i was lucky to be on the lane near the road side. damn scary and i wasnt going that fast. well..called my boss..and yeah as usual? call towing lar~ LOL waited for he tow car for almost half an hour. damn slow. >.<

Anyways. when i reach seria. i ahd to trans fer all the stuff from the car i was in to the other car. which consists of. gearbox and stuffs. just the heavy stuff. me and my colleague were fired up when our boss asked us to skip our lunch and transfer the stuffs instead. and guess what we did? we did transfer the stuffs but we ended up throwing it like. 1, 2, 3 throw!! was a noisy activity. lol.

then after that, went to miri and it was late~~ almost 4pm already~ and all the shops closed at around 5.30 to 6? so we had to rush..but yeah..did our part and get quite a lots of stuff back to brunei. xD

and one more thing..i dont know why.. when she's out with him.."that" feeling will just come. and its just very..irritating? i know they're just friend and nothing more :) its just that..i wanted to be the one who is there for her when she's alone or bored..anything. just want to be by her much.. who fully understand the term "missing someone like crazy?" HAHA

Alrightyyy. guess i'll just stop here ^^ i'll be going back to my music mixing.

takecare everyone and be safe!

Miss and love my laopo soooo much :3 <3

nites mateys!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Im back! :D finally.

Heyyy everyone! Glad to say that im back into blogging again! without any further delay~ lets begin! :D

Well, today is just like any ordinary day~ Missing her every moment that i can think of. hehe. Having breakfast in the morning was rarely an option for me since im into this job. i'll be most likely to be seen having my lunch during unusual hours. haha..something really bad happened today..i lost my wallet! and i couldnt find it anywhere..guess ive drop it..sad life.. T.T anyways~ lets see whats missing. almost one thousand worth in cash. my guitar picks, my malaysian ringgit, my identity card!! and the domo my laopo had given me is attached to my wallet as well. im really really upset over the loss of domo.. :C

Kept telling myself..its why being sad over it? just moved on..all i have to do and report to the police station and some simple guidelines to follow and everything will be settled. just need my identity card back as thats the "second" important thing. whats the most important thing? to get back my laopo de domo! xD

Work was as busy as usual...nothing special to share really

hmm~ this is kinda boring and getting to nowhere~ so why dont i show you guys my laopo? Here it goes~ HEHE

Her name is "Cyndi Liew Pei Ying" ~ Very CUTE and PRETTY right~?! ^^

I love her more then ever~ when will i be able to meet her again~? <3

okayy~ its getting late~ gonna go get some sleep! Thanks a lot for stopping by!!

