Sunday, April 20, 2008

Boring.. :(

Hey Guys..sorry that i didnt do blogging yesterday...haha i dont have internet connevtion t my house...such a deserted place.. lucky i have a nice seaside to relax..juz in front of my house...lucky eh?? XD Yesterday was one BORING nothing exept watching tv and playing Ps2 with my brother..haha

Haiyo..wait till i get my License la..then everything will be diffrent.. can go out whenever i want.. aiyo..dunno what else to express le..haha till here onli lo..

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Continuation of singapore training..

Well...the next few days is just like HELL..we went to the exhibition early in the morning and collect informations regarding wimax, wireless systems, and many more...until the end of the exhibithion..that was tiring..and then we follow the boss around to find his whatever UV light..haha..then we went back to the hotel..i spend most of the time in the hotel babbling with my colleague and watch star movies..haha boring eh?? The next day is quite the same so i wont say much bout it lo....

We get two OFF DAYS on saturday and sunday..but unluckily too..we need to get up early as usual and the boss bring us to little india to a place called Sim Lim Square which is quite a nice place to shop for me at least..all the pc's and everything..haha just nice..

I'll just skip to sunday lo...lazy to write so much things..haha we went to SENTOSA on sunday..thats really tiring cause we didnt have our lunch that day.. we took a few nice pics for the exchange haha and we've done some eye washing that really satisfy us WHAHAHA!! One more nice thing is the boss pay for us to have a one-hour cycle around the park..WOHOO~~ that was nice..really! here's some pics!!

Aiyo..sorry long to upload..juz one lo..
nxt tym k?? haha
Thats me and Mohamed
OK..the last planning to meet Jolin at her school Republic Poly..but Ainsley asked me out for a drink..i havent met him for such a long time..n i really wish u hav some time with know..haha..i went out with him..
We have anice time drinking and smoking together..and he offered me a job in singapore if i can make a promise to cover up my own cost in my present company
We drink till until eleven..and we went to have porridge china town?? dont know leh..
not familiar with singapore..after that we have another smoke and he send me back to my hotel..
The next day..we woke up early and went to the airport..and finally board the plane back to Brunei..
THE END haha =DD

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Singapore Training~~ Tired...

Ive gone to singapore on the 9th of april and i juz came back to Brunei yesterday.. 16th of april.. Actually i went to Singapore with my boss, yip and mohamed.Mohamed is the sales consultant, yip is same like me..a IT Technician except that im doing sales and repairing too..

On the 1st day

We arrived at singapore at 2.25 and we took our luggage and board the MRT to checked in our hotel in tell the thruth..i've never been to singapore quite confused when using the MRT haha..its quite convenient and fast. We reached our hotel after taking a walk of 10-15 minutes walk from the MRT station.. quite tiring because we ahd our luggage with us..haha

So.we checked in and unpacked.. after that we rushed to Suntec City to attend the IT Confrence Exhibition at CIty Hall if im not mistaken..but unluckily its too late when we reach there so..we had to go the other day.. for the rest of the day..we do some window shopping and had a nice sleep back at the hotel.


Hey Everyone!! Im Jacky and actually this is not my 1st time blogging still not so clear about blogging..sorry lo.. XD hope you all will like it and drop some comments too~~
