Sunday, April 20, 2008

Boring.. :(

Hey Guys..sorry that i didnt do blogging yesterday...haha i dont have internet connevtion t my house...such a deserted place.. lucky i have a nice seaside to relax..juz in front of my house...lucky eh?? XD Yesterday was one BORING nothing exept watching tv and playing Ps2 with my brother..haha

Haiyo..wait till i get my License la..then everything will be diffrent.. can go out whenever i want.. aiyo..dunno what else to express le..haha till here onli lo..

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Wei Kiong!

Long time no talk even if you just live upstairs. =P

Yup, I love blogging, it's good to reminiscing back the memories. =)

Take care too. And I've linked you!